Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Idle Mind

I'm in a loss for words. And an uncertain discomfort for the feel of paper. So i just sit with a pencil held tight between my fingers, jotting down every single sh*t that enters my pretty impressive mind! :D My handwriting has become awful!!! Come to think of it, I have a profound love for the word "awful" lately. I wonder what brought it on. But it seems to be in every single conversation I make!!!

Strangely enough, I don't feel to awful in my head though. I mean, I am currently unemployed and sitting at home on the answer to how much weight I can put on without any sort of exercise what-so-ever.

My arms are hurting. It's been awfully long since I wrote something other than my daily puzzles in the newspaper.

It's quite weird how I have no topic to write about. The truth is my head is always busy. And her favorite excuse is that shes busy drafting articles. So i help out. Phrasing rephrasing, writing rewriting
thesaurus and dictionary on a maniacal pursuit for cooler nicer words to make my friend Mind's writing prettier than before. But we never find the time to sit together to change the format from memory to reality and to print or even scribble it out on a paper or scan it to my pc!

I always knew I had horrible (or as I may say awful!) mind and body coordination. The impression was that it was applicable to dancing alone. Apparently not!

There's this friend of mine who keeps asking me to write. Understatement of the decade! He nags!!!! But it works!! He did manage to get at least this out of me! On the whole, I have a very strong feeling I keep disappointing him! Poor chap! He still doesn't give up and quit. He sees potential in me! The stuff i fail to see most of the times.

I don't want to sound modest or too arrogant but i can really do everything! I did not say i am good at everything, i said i can do little bit of everything. Not awesome and not awful either!! True Story!!!

That's the problem. I'm not good at anything. And when I try to story tell.. I end up making no sense what so ever. Do u dare ask for proof? really?? Then scroll up buster!! What am i talking about exactly? I don't know, so how will expect you to know. i am a confused human being. Never mind. Let's get on with this, whatever this is!

Uff!! I forgot! I most definitely wanted to say something worthwhile. I have forgotten again. Age is catching up with me! Fast! (Note to myself: Must runner faster. Find a better hiding place.)

Oh! I'm not done complaining yet. I have to get the load off my chest. So. The littler bit that i do write ends up sounding like trash not worth public scrutiny. Like a kid writing a diary, or maybe learning how to write. Or better yet i forget half way through what the spice of my article was (thus i have 5 i think unfinished businesses).

Tragic I know. And.. I just blacked out. Once again. As always. So i conclude. With nothing more to say, Good Night. 'Cause I think i must get back to my book. This particular book is a national bestseller. I cant put it down. It makes me want to learn, to travel, to accomplish, and to experience every affair life has for me. The only trouble is its been 3 months since i started reading it. I snooze holding the book. Beats me!

PS: I thought holding my darling pencil to my notebook and scribbling thoughts would eventually lead to something intelligent. Clearly not. Until I dawn with a new idea, my mind is off to a nap. Sleep Well everybody.

Please note the above monologue was inspired my my idle wastedness and rocketed by a mild case of insomnia. I beg no offence.
I would like to express my gratitude to the constant and unfailing nagging of my dear pal "The Silent Observer", without whom this would not have been possible.

1 comment:

  1. Huh !! I should apologize, i'm so late to make a comment on this, even when I was aware of it from the very day it was posted.

    Though she agrees, she is handicapped to do things she promise, I congratulate her for the above note, which is more like a free association. But there is always a factor of life in her words which keeps me listening. And the greatest thing is that this aura of energy is an anti-depressant for a few including this mere spectator. :)

    Congrats !! Go ahead, scribble more n more
