Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wonders of wondering!

I am always wondering! *question mark* I wonder why? I wonder about everything under the sun and better yet everything round the sun as well. Weird I thought for some time, and then I thought maybe not. I wondered about the universe, the sun, the stars, the vacuum, the heart beat, the list can go on and on. I wondered how everything began. The beginning of life, the beginning of the world, the beginning of life on earth, the beginning of the beginning!

That is about when I woke up to realise the question about the starting of it all is one of those questions I’m never going to get a satisfactory answer to. *boing* Like what came first, the chicken or the egg.

But is it unreasonable to ask how everything will end? ‘Cause as my thought process continued, my mind got stuck on the climax of life. The zing of the story is really the suspense of how the curtains will close. The fascinating bit of this story as how I have noticed is, when the titles show “The End” to one story, another ten at least reels start to roll. Quite an absurd observation, but true! Check it out next time. So, that’s what they call a vicious cycle? Or is it? Not the subject matter here, so we skip it! *smiles* *winks*

In short, by the words of Prof. Glubous (as per privacy privilege), “The End is the opening statement of ten new stories”. The starting of a new suspense thriller. A story to be discovered yet. I personally like the sound of it.

*smash of realisation* A midst all my wondering process I put an end to one of my “wonder” questions! The wonder of how anything starts.

Result of analysis: The beginning is where one story ends.

I love my wonder days. It makes me feel like the smartest teacher of philosophy the world has seen. But that is the starting of another story, which I will privilege my dearest audience with some other time.

Till then hold on to my words as close as you hold your breath. Or maybe, never mind! *wink*

1 comment:

  1. Quite happy to see; finally you dared to do it.

    "The fascinating bit of this story as how I have noticed is, when the titles show “The End” to one story, another ten at least reels start to roll."

    Interesting.. Waiting for more from the smart teacher of philosophy ;)
